
Latest Edition

Check out the Latest Issue of our magazine.

Please check HINDI Edition of AGRi MECH. Click here on the button to view.


Highlights of this month :

🔸 Next-Gen Drones in Precision Agriculture (Page #06)
🔹 Leveraging Big Data for Smarter Farming Decisions (Page #14)

🔸 Innovative Farming Techniques from Across the Globe (Page #20)
🔹 Precision Irrigation: Transforming Agricultural Water Management (Page #24)
🔸 John Deere Unveils Next-Gen Autonomous Machines (Page #28)
🔹 Konya Agriculture Fair: Gateway to International Agriculture (Page #38)

and many more…


Recent Editions


By acquiring the English language for publication, AGRi MECH has now crossed the geographical boundaries of more than 38 countries of the world. This made it the only global and one of the most dedicated monthly magazines which cover the most discussed issues and articles on the latest technologies in the farm technology domain. Our more than 350,000 print and online readership covers the Dealers, Distributors, Importers, Exporters, Agriculture Machinery Manufacturers, Agriculture Input Manufacturers, Service Providers, Government and Private institutes, IT Companies, Trade Associations and Trade Councilors in more than 38 countries which include Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Middle East regions.

In the last few years AGRi MECH has achieved the reputation of being one of the leading brands in the industry and over the period of time, it has played a vital role in creating awareness and ensuring prosperity in the global agribusiness sector.