AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Dr. C R Mehta (Born: 23 June, 1965) obtained his BE (Ag.) in Agricultural Engineering in 1987, and ME (Ag.) in Farm Machinery and Power in 1992 from College of Technology and Agricultural Engineering, Udaipur with Honours and Ph.D. degree from IIT, Kharagpur in 2000. He has worked as Scientist/Senior Scientist/Principal Scientist at Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal (ICAR) for the last 26 years on his selection to the Agricultural Research Service of ICAR in 1989. He held the position of Head, Agricultural Mechanisation Division at CIAE Bhopal from Aug 25, 2010 to 11 Dec, 2012. He has been working as Project Coordinator, AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery at CIAE Bhopal since Dec., 2012.
He is having specialization in Farm Machinery and Power, Ergonomics, Conservation Agriculture and Instrumentation. He has guided/co-guided three Ph. D and three M. Tech theses. His R&D achievements include optimization of seat design and tractor workplace layout, control of noise and vibration, decision support system for farm machinery management, biomass based decentralized power generation system, pneumatic planter for small seeds, instrumentation systems such as tractor three point linkage dynamometer, seed drill choke indicator, electronic timer, reaction timer etc. The findings of tractor workplace layout have already been adopted by two leading tractor manufacturers through consultancy projects and many other have shown keen interest.
He attended six months JICA Group Training Course “Agricultural Machinery Management Utilizing Micro-computers” at Osaka International in 2001 and three months training on Carbon Trading, Carbon Sequestration/Climate change (NAIP) at Cornell University, Ithaca in 2011. He was nominated to attend 8th and 9th Technical Committee meetings of CSAM (UNAPCAEM) at Kandy, Sri Lanka and at Bhopal, India, respectively during 2012 and 2013. He also participated in Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Asia and the Pacific at Qingdao, China (October 26-27, 2013) and 1st Annual Meeting of the Asian and Pacific Network for Testing of Agricultural Machinery at Beijing, China (Sept. 16-19, 2014). He was nominated as Vice chairperson of 8th TC of UNAPCAEM meeting held in Sri Lanka during Oct 23-25, 2012. He is also a member of Sectional Committees viz Agricultural Tractors & Power Tillers (FAD 11) and Ergonomics (PGD 15) of Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
He received Distinguished Service Certificate (2002-03), Commendation Medal (2005-06), Team Award (2006-07) and ISAE Fellow (2012-13) from Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers for research and development in the field of Farm Machinery & Power. He is Cooperating Editor of Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA) and Editor, Agricultural Engineering Today (2009-12). He is reviewer of number of International journals like Biosystem Engineering, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Ergonomics, Agricultural Engineering International (CIGR e-Journal), Industrial Health and national journals such as Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, etc.
He has published over 200 papers including 26 in referred International journals, 34 books/book chapters, 2 policy papers, 26 technical bulletins and presented 80 papers in conferences/workshops. He is a Fellow of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) and Life Member of Indian Society of Ergonomics (ISE), CTAE Alumini Assoication and JICA Alumini Association of India.
By acquiring the English language for publication, AGRI MECH has now crossed the geographical boundaries of more than 36 countries of the world. This made it the only global and one of the most dedicated monthly magazines which covers the most discussed issues and articles on latest technologies in farm technology domain. Our more than 350,000 readership covers the Dealers, Distributors, Importers, Exporters, Agriculture Machinery Manufacturers, Government and Private institutes, Trade Associations and Trade Counselors in more than 36 countries which includes Africa, Asia, Europe and Middle East regions.